RFQ 24-02 City of Mableton - Request for Statement of Qualifications for Professional Comprehensive Planning Services
POINT-OF-CONTACT: The City designates the following person as its representative and
Point-of-Contact for this RFQ. Respondents shall restrict all contact with the City and direct all
questions regarding this RFQ, including questions regarding terms and conditions and technical
specifications, to the Point-of-Contact person noted below:
City of Mableton
City Attorney Emilia Walker-Ashby
Denmark-Ashby, LLC
100 Hartsfield Centre Pkwy, Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30354
Main: 770.478.9950
Direct: 770.692.2034
Email: ewalkerashby@denmarkashby.com
SUBMISSION OF RFQ RESPONSES: Qualification responses should be submitted to the City by March 13, 2024 @ 2:00 p.m. by email to the City Clerk at:susan.hiott@mableton.gov, with copies to: michael.owens@mableton.gov and ewalkerashby@denmarkashby.com.
p >3/1/2024